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These utilities are only those maintained by the MetWork project.

You can find many others provided by other components.

1. Core layers


These utilities are located in core/minimal layers. So they are nearly always available.

1.1 outside

$ outside --help
  => execute the given command outside the metwork environement

1.2 components

$ components --help
usage: components [-h] [--module MODULE] [--layer LAYER] [--name NAME]
                  [--loaded-filter LOADED_FILTER] [--raw] [--json]
                  [--without-versions] [--full]

list installed/loaded components

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --module MODULE       filter output for this module only
  --layer LAYER         filter output for this layer only
  --name NAME           filter output for this component only
  --loaded-filter LOADED_FILTER
                        loaded layer filter (default: no filter, possible
                        values: yes, no)
  --raw                 raw output (can't be used with json option)
  --json                json output (can't be used with raw option)
  --without-versions    remove versions in output (ignored with json or raw
  --full                add all informations (bigger, can't be used with raw

1.3 layers

$ layers --help
  layers [OPTION…] - list installed layers

Help Options:
  -h, --help              Show help options

Application Options:
  -r, --raw               raw output
  -m, --loaded-filter     Loaded layer filter (default: no filter, possible values: yes, no)

1.4 plugin_wrapper

$ plugin_wrapper --help
usage: plugin_wrapper [-h] [--cwd] [--empty] [--bash-cmds]
                      [--plugins-base-dir PLUGINS_BASE_DIR] [--ignore-cache]

execute a command in a plugin environment

positional arguments:
                        plugin name or plugin home (if starting by /)
  COMMAND_AND_ARGS      command (and args) to execute

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --cwd                 change working directory to plugin home
  --empty               unload all layers before
  --bash-cmds           if set don't execute command but output bash cmds to
                        be execute in a fresh empty shell (--empty and
                        COMMAND_AND_ARGS ignored)
  --plugins-base-dir PLUGINS_BASE_DIR
                        can be use to set an alternate plugins-base-dir, if
                        not set the value of MFMODULE_PLUGINS_BASE_DIR env var
                        is used (or a hardcoded standard value).
  --ignore-cache        if set, don't use env cache

1.5 mfext_wrapper

$ mfext_wrapper --help
usage: /opt/metwork-mfext-experimental_python313/bin/mfext_wrapper COMMAND_TO_WRAP [COMMAND_ARG1] [COMMAND_ARG2] [...]
  => launch the given command within metwork/mfext environnent
  => note: the current environnent is cleared before
  =>       (only MFMODULE_RUNTIME_SUFFIX, MFMODULE_RUNTIME_HOME and some standard env var (HOME, TERM, DISPLAY...) 
            are keeped intact)

1.6 metwork_debug

$ metwork_debug --help
usage: metwork_debug
       print debug informations on stdout

1.7 log

$ log --help
usage: log a message with standard metwork logging system [-h]
                                                          [--application-name APPLICATION_NAME]

positional arguments:
                        Log level
  MESSAGE               message to log

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --application-name, -a APPLICATION_NAME
                        application name

1.8 echo_ok

$ echo_ok --help
  echo_ok [OPTION…] [MESSAGE] - write OK (with colors if supported) and a little optional message

Help Options:
  -h, --help       Show help options

1.9 echo_bold

$ echo_bold --help
  echo_bold [OPTION…] [MESSAGE] - write MESSAGE in bold

Help Options:
  -h, --help       Show help options

1.10 echo_clean

$ echo_clean --help
  echo_clean [OPTION…]  - clean waiting status

Help Options:
  -h, --help       Show help options

1.11 echo_nok

$ echo_nok --help
  echo_nok [OPTION…] [MESSAGE] - write ERROR (with colors if supported) and a little optional message

Help Options:
  -h, --help       Show help options

1.12 echo_warning

$ echo_warning --help
  echo_warning [OPTION…] [MESSAGE] - write WARNING (with colors if supported) and a little optional message

Help Options:
  -h, --help       Show help options

1.13 echo_running

$ echo_running --help
  echo_running [OPTION…] - write RUNNING (with colors if supported)

Help Options:
  -h, --help       Show help options

1.14 is_interactive

$ is_interactive --help
  is_interactive [OPTION…] - return status code 0 if we guess this is an interactive execution

Help Options:
  -h, --help       Show help options

1.15 is_layer_installed

$ is_layer_installed --help
  is_layer_installed [OPTION…] LAYER LABEL - output 1 is the given layer is installed

Help Options:
  -h, --help       Show help options

1.16 is_layer_loaded

$ is_layer_loaded --help
  is_layer_loaded [OPTION…] LAYER LABEL OR LAYER HOME - output 1 is the given layer is already loaded

Help Options:
  -h, --help       Show help options

1.17 layer_wrapper

$ layer_wrapper --help
  layer_wrapper [OPTION…] -- COMMAND [COMMAND_ARG1] [COMMAND_ARG2] [...] - wrapper to execute the given command in a process with some specific layers loaded

Help Options:
  -h, --help                 Show help options

Application Options:
  -d, --debug                debug mode
  -e, --empty                unload all layers before
  -c, --cwd                  change working directory to the last layer home
  -x, --extra-env-prefix     if set, add three environnement variables {PREFIX}_NAME, {PREFIX}_LABEL and {PREFIX}_DIR containing the last layer name, label and the last layer home 
  -E, --empty-env            empty environnement (imply --empty)
  -k, --empty-env-keeps      coma separated list of env var to keep with --empty-env
  -l, --layers               coma separated list of layers labels/homes ('-' before the name of the layer means 'optional dependency')
  -p, --prepend-env          ENV_VAR,VALUE string to prepend VALUE in : separated ENV_VAR (like PATH) (can be used multiple times)
  -f, --force-prepend        do not check existing paths in prepend
  --dont-load-optional       don't load optional layers

1.18 log_proxy

$ log_proxy --help
  log_proxy [OPTION…] LOGFILE  - log proxy

Help Options:
  -h, --help                Show help options

Application Options:
  -s, --rotation-size       maximum size (in bytes) for a log file before rotation (0 => no maximum, default: content of environment variable LOGPROXY_ROTATION_SIZE or 104857600 = 100MB)
  -t, --rotation-time       maximum lifetime (in seconds) for a log file before rotation (0 => no maximum, default: content of environment variable LOGPROXY_ROTATION_TIME or 86400 = 24 hours)
  -S, --rotation-suffix     strftime based suffix to append to rotated log files (default: content of environment variable LOGPROXY_ROTATION_SUFFIX or .%Y%m%d%H%M%S)
  -d, --log-directory       directory to store log files (default: content of environment variable LOGPROXY_LOG_DIRECTORY or current directory), directory is created if missing
  -n, --rotated-files       maximum number of rotated files to keep including main one (0 => no cleaning, default: content of environment variable LOGPROXY_ROTATED_FILES or 5)
  -T, --timestamps          strftime prefix to prepend to every output line, for example '[%F %T] ' (default: content of environment variable LOGPROXY_TIMESTAMPS or none)
  -c, --chmod               if set, change mode of log files to this octal value, '0600' for example (default: content of environment variable LOGPROXY_CHMOD or don't change mode)
  -o, --chown               if set, try (if you don't have sufficient privileges, it will fail silently) to change the owner of the logfile to the given user value
  -g, --chgrp               if set, try (if you don't have sufficient privileges, it will fail silently) to change the group of the logfile to the given group value
  -m, --use-locks           use locks to append to main log file (useful if several process writes to the same file)
  -f, --fifo                if set, read lines on this fifo instead of stdin
  -r, --rm-fifo-at-exit     if set, drop fifo at then end of the program (you have to use --fifo option of course)

Optional environment variables to override defaults: 

Example for rotation-size option:
- If log_proxy is run with the option --rotation-size on the command line, rotation-size will take the provided value
- If the option --rotation-size is not provided on command line :
  - If the environment variable LOGPROXY_ROTATION_SIZE is set, rotation-size will take this value
  - If the environment variable LOGPROXY_ROTATION_SIZE is not set, rotation-size will take the default value 104857600

1.19 log_proxy_wrapper

$ log_proxy_wrapper --help
  log_proxy_wrapper [OPTION…] -- COMMAND [COMMAND_ARG1] [COMMAND_ARG2] [...] - log proxy

Help Options:
  -h, --help                Show help options

Application Options:
  -s, --rotation-size       maximum size (in bytes) for a log file before rotation (0 => no maximum, default: content of environment variable LOGPROXY_ROTATION_SIZE or 104857600 = 100MB)
  -t, --rotation-time       maximum lifetime (in seconds) for a log file before rotation (0 => no maximum, default: content of environment variable LOGPROXY_ROTATION_TIME or 86400 = 24 hours)
  -S, --rotation-suffix     strftime based suffix to append to rotated log files (default: content of environment variable LOGPROXY_ROTATION_SUFFIX or .%Y%m%d%H%M%S)
  -d, --log-directory       directory to store log files (default: content of environment variable LOGPROXY_LOG_DIRECTORY or current directory), directory is created if missing
  -n, --rotated-files       maximum number of rotated files to keep including main one (0 => no cleaning, default: content of environment variable LOGPROXY_ROTATED_FILES or 5)
  -T, --timestamps          strftime prefix to prepend to every output line, for example '[%F %T] ' (default: content of environment variable LOGPROXY_TIMESTAMPS or none)
  -c, --chmod               if set, change mode of log files to this octal value, '0600' for example (default: content of environment variable LOGPROXY_CHMOD or don't change mode)
  -o, --chown               if set, try (if you don't have sufficient privileges, it will fail silently) to change the owner of the logfile to the given user value
  -g, --chgrp               if set, try (if you don't have sufficient privileges, it will fail silently) to change the group of the logfile to the given group value
  -m, --use-locks           use locks to append to main log file (useful if several process writes to the same file)
  -O, --stdout              stdout file path (NULL string (default) can be used to redirect to /dev/null)
  -E, --stderr              stderr file path (STDOUT string (default) can be used to redirect to the same file than stdout)
  -F, --fifo-tmp-dir        directory where to store tmp FIFO for log_proxy (default: content of environment variable TMPDIR if set, /tmp if not)

1.20 unsafe_pip

$ unsafe_pip --help
usage: unsafe_pip PIP_ARGUMENTS
  => this is a simple pip wrapper to use when you are annoyed with
     man-in-the-middle https proxies
  => use it like standard pip cli tool
  => WARNING: it adds some unsafe options

1.21 get_unique_hexa_identifier

$ get_unique_hexa_identifier --help
  get_unique_hexa_identifier [OPTION…] - return a unique hexa identifier

Help Options:
  -h, --help       Show help options

1.22 get_layer_home

$ get_layer_home --help
  get_layer_home [OPTION…] LAYER LABEL - print corresponding layer home

Help Options:
  -h, --help       Show help options

1.23 get_simple_hostname

$ get_simple_hostname --help
usage: get_simple_hostname [-h]

returns the 'simple' hostname (without network domain)

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

1.24 get_full_hostname

$ get_full_hostname --help
usage: get_full_hostname [-h]

returns the 'full' hostname (with network domain)

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

1.25 get_domainname

$ get_domainname --help
usage: get_domainname [-h]

returns the network domain

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

1.26 get_real_ip

$ get_real_ip --help
usage: get_real_ip [-h]

returns the 'real' ip (not

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

1.27 get_ip_for_hostname

$ get_ip_for_hostname --help
usage: get_ip_for_hostname [-h] [hostname]

returns the IP address of the given HOSTNAME (current real IP if no hostname
is given)

positional arguments:
  hostname    hostname to resolve as ip (can be empty)

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

2. Python3 layers


These utilities are only available when "python3" layers are loaded.

2.1 python3_wrapper

$ python3_wrapper --help
usage: python3_wrapper [PYTHON_ARGS]
  => launch a python3 command inside a python3 env

3. Dev layers


These utilities are only available when the "devtools" layers is loaded.



$ --help
usage: [FLAKE8_ARG1] [FLAGE8_ARG2] [...]
  => execute flake8 command with given args in a python3 env
  => some documentation errors/hints are also ignored here



$ --help
usage: [PYLINT_ARG1] [PYLINT_ARG2] [...]
  => execute pylint command with given args in a python3 env



$ --help
  => execute nosetests command with given args in a python3 env

3.7 shellchecks

$ shellchecks --help
execute shellcheck on every shell script files found in the current directory
usage: shellchecks


$ --help
usage: LUA_FILE
 => test if there are some global variables in the given lua file
    and exit with an error code if there are some.
 => you can also provide a pattern like *.lua as argument
 => if no global variables are found in lua files, exit with 0 return


$ --help
  => find utf8 (non ascii) characters in the current directory
     (and exit 1 if found some)