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Configuration file

This is the default configuration file for plugin template: ftpsend

#####                         #####
#####     GENERAL SECTION     #####
#####                         #####
# (plugin metadatas)

# Notes about the name of the plugin:
# - the name of the plugin is given by the content of .layerapi2_label
#   in this directory (format: plugin_{name of the plugin}@mfdata)
# - the old "name" key in this file is not used anymore

# Version of the plugin (X.Y.Z)
# If the value is {{MFMODULE_VERSION}},
# the current module version is used

# Release of the plugin

# Summary (one line) of the goal of the plugin
_summary=one line summary about your plugin

# License of the plugin

# URL of the plugin homepage

# Name of the maintainer of the plugin on the form "Firstname FAMILYNAME <email>"
_maintainer=Firstname FAMILYNAME <email>

# Vendor of the plugin

#####                       #####
#####     STEP SECTIONS     #####
#####                       #####
# (one section [step_xxxxx] for each step)

# You can have several blocks [step_xxxx] if your plugin
# contains several steps.
# If you have only one step in your plugin, please use "main" as your
# step name in [step_xxxxx]. So just one [step_name] section in this case.


# Command (and args) to be executed
# Notes :
# - null means no command to execute
# - this command can be launched several times (see workers/numprocesses)
# - the command must pop redis queue {{MFDATA_CURRENT_STEP_QUEUE}}
#   (dynamically generated), so it must include {MFDATA_CURRENT_STEP_QUEUE} in its args
#   You can use following placeholders :
#     - {{MFDATA_CURRENT_PLUGIN_NAME}}: replaced by the plugin name
#     - {{MFDATA_CURRENT_PLUGIN_DIR}}: replaced by the plugin
#         directory fullpath.
#     - {MFDATA_CURRENT_STEP_NAME}: replaced by the step name
#     - {MFDATA_CURRENT_STEP_QUEUE}: replaced by the name of the queue
#         for the plugin/step on redis
#     - {MFDATA_CURRENT_STEP_DIR}: replaced by the step directory
#     - {CUSTOM_...}: replaced by the corresponding configuration value under
#         the [custom] section of this file (example: {CUSTOM_FOO} will be
#         replaced by the value of the configuration key "foo" under [custom]
#         section.
#     - {{ENV_VAR}}: replaced by the corresponding env var.
#     - {STANDARD_STEP_ARGUMENTS}: replaced by various but standard arguments
#         for every step (must be always here at the end)
# - it's not the command called for each incoming file, it's a daemon implemented
#     with Acquisition framework in Python; if you want to execute a binary command
#     for each incoming file, please bootstrap a "fork" plugin

# Number of retry in case of errors (before applying the choosen failure policy)
# 0 => no retry
# x => maximum x retries
retry_total = 10

# The minimum number of seconds (can be a float) to wait before retrying
# (see retry_backoff for details about the algorithm)

# The maximum number of seconds (can be a float) to wait before retrying
# (see retry_backoff for details about the algorithm)

# Before each retry, we wait:
# retry_min_wait + retry_backoff * ( 2 ** (retry_attempt_number-1) )
# So with a backoff == 0 (default), we wait exactly retry_min_wait seconds
# before each retry.
# With a backoff == 1, we wait retry_min_wait + 1 seconds for the first retry
#                      we wait retry_min_wait + 2 seconds for the second retry
#                      we wait retry_min_wait + 4 seconds for the third retry
#          [...] note that the waiting time is capped by retry_max_wait
# (retry_backoff can be a float)

# Failure policy : keep (default), delete or move
failure_policy = keep

# Destination directory when failure_policy is move (mandatory in this case)
# (if failure_policy != move, this configuration key is not used)
# must be something like: plugin_name/step_name
failure_policy_move_dest_dir =

# If set then the process will be restarted sometime after max_age and
# max_age + random(0, max_age) seconds.
# 0 => disable this feature
max_age = 3600

# Split stdout/stderr logs into different files?
# AUTO => the global conf MFDATA_LOG_TRY_TO_SPLIT_STDOUT_STDERR is used
#         (default: don't split)
# 1    => split
# 0    => don't split

# Split logs of multiple workers into different log files?
#         (default: don't split)
# 1    => split
# 0    => don't split

# The number of processes to run for this step
# note: you can use {{MFHARDWARE_NUMBER_OF_CPU_CORES_MULTIPLIED_BY_2}}  value
# to avoid a kind of hardware automatic value (see "env |grep HARDWARE" as mfdata
# to find other automatic values)
numprocesses = 1

# if you set debug=1, numprocesses will be forced to 1
# and we will try to set all debug options and features
# (max_age will also be forced to 0 and mflog minimal level will be set to DEBUG)

# The number of seconds to wait for a step to terminate gracefully
# before killing it. When stopping a process, we first send it a TERM signal.
# A step may catch this signal to perform clean up operations before exiting.
# If the worker is still active after {timeout} seconds, we send it a
# KILL signal. It is not possible to catch a KILL signal, so the worker will stop.
# If you use the standard Acquisition framework to implement your step, the
# TERM signal is handled like this: "we don't process files anymore but we
# try to end with the current processed file before stopping". So the
# timeout must by greater than the maximum processing time of one file.
# (must be set and >0)

# Coma separated list of watched directories (relative to MFDATA_DATA_IN_DIR)
# You should keep {MFDATA_CURRENT_STEP_DIR} here unless you know exactly
# what you are doing.
# If several plugins watch the same directory, they will compete to process
# files. If you want to copy files to multiple plugins, use a copy or a
# switch plugin.
# This parameter can be useful only if you don't want to use
# default guess_file_type and switch plugins (advanced use)

# resource limit for each step process
# rlimit_as => maximum area (in bytes) of address space which may be taken
#              by the process.
# rlimit_nofile => maximum number of open file descriptors for the current
#                  process.
# rlimit_stack => maximum size (in bytes) of the call stack for the current
#                 process.
#   This only affects the stack of the main thread in a multi-threaded process.
# rlimit_fsize =>  maximum size of a file which the process may create.
#   (empty value means no limit)
rlimit_as = 1000000000
rlimit_nofile = 1000
rlimit_stack = 10000000
rlimit_fsize = 10000000000

# You can add extra daemons which will be launched within your plugin
# by providing configuration blocks [extra_daemon_*]
# You have to provide a command to daemonize (the command must run in
# foreground and not daemonize by itself)
# [extra_daemon_foo]
# _cmd_and_args = /your/foreground/command command_arg1 command_arg2
# numprocesses=1
# graceful_timeout = 30
# rlimit_as = 1000000000
# rlimit_nofile = 1000
# rlimit_stack = 10000000
# rlimit_fsize = 100000000
# log_split_stdout_stderr=AUTO
# log_split_multiple_workers=AUTO
# max_age=0

#####                                                          #####
#####         SWITCH RULES FRAGMENT (FOR THIS PLUGIN)          #####
#####   (only if you use the default system switch plugin)     #####
#####                                                          #####
# You can have several "rules blocks":
#   [switch_rules:{rule_type}:{rule_param1,rule_param2}]
# Each "rules block" define a rule type and some rule parameters.
# Under a "rules block" you can have one or several "switch rules".
# A "switch rule" is a line like:
#   pattern = plugin_name1/step_name1, plugin_name2/step_name2*
# So, for a given pattern, you can have one or several copy actions (separated
# by coma). Each action means copy (or hardlink) the incoming file to the
# given plugin/step.
# (if a step name ends with a "*", it means that we can use hardlinking instead
#  of copying => it's better for performances but target step must not alter
#  the incoming file in any way so please DO NOT ADD THE STAR SIGN IF YOU ARE
# All "switch rules" are evaluated in the context of their "rule block". If
# the pattern match (in this context), collected actions are APPENDED.
# See FIXME for plenty details and examples.

# Example: copy all incoming files with original_basename starting with A to
#          the current plugin in "main" step
# [switch_rules:fnmatch:first.core.original_basename]
# A* = main

# Example: copy all incoming files to the current plugin in "main" step
# [switch_rules:alwaystrue]
# * = main

# Example: copy all incoming files from the foo dirname to the current plugin
# in "main" step
# [switch_rules:equal:first.core.original_dirname]
# foo = main

# Example: for complex routing rules, you can use a python function
#          (here: my_function() in under the plugin root)
# [switch_rules:python]
# foo.my_function = main


# FTP server hostname or ip

# FTP username

# FTP password

# FTP directory (in which upload files)

# FTP basename
# you can use following placeholders in this configuration value:
# - strftime placeholders like %Y%m%d

# Timeout (in seconds) for all blocking operations
ftp_timeout = 60

# Timeout (in seconds) for connecting to ftp server 
ftp_connect_timeout = 30

# Try to keep FTP session open until this lifetime (in seconds)
ftp_session_lifetime = 10

# Temporary suffix while transferring