Configuration file
This is the default configuration file for plugin template: php
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# (plugin metadatas)
# Notes about the name of the plugin:
# - the name of the plugin is given by the content of .layerapi2_label
# in this directory (format: plugin_{name of the plugin}@mfserv)
# - the old "name" key in this file is not used anymore
# Version of the plugin (X.Y.Z)
# If the value is {{MFMODULE_VERSION}},
# the current module version is used
# Release of the plugin
# Summary (one line) of the goal of the plugin
_summary=one line summary
# License of the plugin
# URL of the plugin homepage
# Name of the maintainer of the plugin on the form "Firstname FAMILYNAME <email>"
_maintainer=Firstname FAMILYNAME <email>
# Vendor of the plugin
# Use this only if you are sure about what you are doing
# extra nginx configuration filename inside your plugin directory
# null => no extra configuration
# The content will be included directly in "http" section
# If you want to include some configuration fragments specific to an app
# don't use this key (in [general] section] but extra_nginx_conf_filename
# in [app_xxxxx] section.
# Note: if you use this key, you can break the whole mfserv module
# => so there will be a warning at plugin installation about that
# Note: the difference between this key and the one just below is that
# the configuration fragment will be inserted in "http" section
# (for this one) and in "server" section (for the one below)
# Use this only if you are sure about what you are doing
# extra nginx configuration filename inside your plugin directory
# null => no extra configuration
# The content will be included directly in "server" section
# If you want to include some configuration fragments specific to an app
# don't use this key (in [general] section] but extra_nginx_conf_filename
# in [app_xxxxx] section.
# Note: this key is not used with virtualdomain_based_routing
# Note: if you use this key, you can break the whole mfserv module
# => so there will be a warning at plugin installation about that
# Note: the difference between this key and the one just above is that
# the configuration fragment will be inserted in "server" section
# (for this one) and in "http" section (for the one above)
# Use this only if you are sure about what you are doing
# extra nginx configuration filename inside your plugin directory
# null => no extra configuration
# The content will be included directly in "init_worker_by_lua_block" section
# and must be valid LUA code!
# Note: if you use this key, you can break the whole mfserv module
# => so there will be a warning at plugin installation about that
# if set to false, don't add the plugin directory in "lua packages path"
# (so you have to require your lua files with require("{your plugin name}.{your lua file}")
# don't change this unless you know exactly what you are doing
# (if you set to false, you can introduce some path collisions when using multiple
# openresty plugins even it was the default with mfserv <= 1.0.4)
# If true, add plugin directory to python path
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##### APPs SECTION #####
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# (you can have several section like this one named [app_xxx])
# Command to be executed
# Notes:
# - null means no command to execute
# - this command can be launched several times (see workers/numprocesses)
# - the command must listen to {unix_socket_path} (dynamically generated)
# - the launched command must run foreground and listen for http requests on
# {unix_socket_path} unix socket
# - you can use following placeholders:
# - {unix_socket_path} (full path for a unique dynamically generated unix
# socket for the worker)
# - {timeout} (timout in seconds for dealing with 1 request)
# - {plugin_name} (plugin name)
# - {plugin_dir} (plugin directory full path)
# - {app_name} (app name without app_ prefix)
# - {debug_extra_options} (the content of debug_extra_options only if debug=1
# or empty if debug=0) {plugin_name} {plugin_dir} {app_name}
# Very advanced options, change this only if you exactly know what you are doing
# The previous command is wrapped into a app.
# When we want to do a "really smart" restart, the stop signal is catched by
# signal_wrapper which:
# (1) order to nginx to stop to route new requests to this process
# (2) wait until there is no connection active to the process anymore
# (the timeout of this way is given by the {timeout} key)
# (3) send {smart_stop_signal} to the configured command ({cmd_and_args})
# (4) wait until {smart_stop_delay} seconds for the configured command to exit
# (if we exceed the delay, a SIGKILL is sent)
# (5) exit itself
# Then a new process is launched (by circus) and then we wait
# {smart_start_delay} seconds before saying to nginx:
# "ok you can route new http requests to the new process"
# number of workers / processes
# note: you can use {{MFHARDWARE_NUMBER_OF_CPU_CORES_MULTIPLIED_BY_2}} value
# to avoid a kind of hardware automatic value (see "env |grep HARDWARE" as
# mfserv to find other automatic values)
# timeout (in seconds) for one request
# (if null or <=0, the MFSERV_NGINX_TIMEOUT is used)
# If you set debug=1, numprocesses will be forced to 1 and we will try
# to set all debug options and features (max_age will also be forced
# to 0 and mflog minimal level will be set to DEBUG)
# Options to inject if previous key "debug" it set to 1
# (the placeholder {debug_extra_options} must be used in cmd_and_args key)
# Note: if debug=0, then {debug_extra_options} placeholder is empty even if
# the following key contains something)
_debug_extra_options=--debug --debug-evalex
# Use prefix based routing:
# http://{host}:{port}/{plugin_name}/{app_name}/...
# (and/or)
# http://{host}:{port}/{plugin_name}/...
# if app_name == main or only one app in the plugin
# Use virtualdomain based routing
# http://{app_name}.{plugin_name}.{host}:{port}/...
# (and/or)
# http://{plugin_name}.{host}:{port}/...
# if app_name == main or only one app in the plugin
# NOTE: you need a DNS "catch all" to do that (like a DNS CNAME
# *.{host} => {ip_of_the_host})
# Route directly at the webserver part some /static url part to a
# /static directory inside the application directory (static files hosting)
# (you can configure this feature with static_url_prefix and
# static_directory key)
# If static_routing=true, url prefix for static to route static files
# Notes :
# - with prefix_based_routing, this is relative to app url prefix
# - the value should start with '/' and must not end with '/'
# If static_routing=true, directory prefix for static files
# Notes :
# - this is relative to app directory
# - the value should not start with '/' and must not end with '/'
# Add extra routes to your plugin (starting by /, not ending by /,
# separated by ;)
# Example: prefix_based_routing_extra_routes=/foo;/bar
# null => no extra routes
# / => all routes
# Note: if you use this key, you can break the whole mfserv module
# and generate some conflicts with other plugins
# => so there will be a warning at plugin installation about that
# If _virtualdomain_based_routing is true, this parameter
# can be used to add some extra vhosts for this plugin
# (coma separated list of extra vhosts)
# (null or empty means no extra domains)
# Use this only if you are sure about what you are doing
# extra nginx configuration filename inside your plugin directory
# null => no extra configuration
# The content will be included directly in your app "location" section
# If you want to include some configuration fragments at a more general level
# don't use this key but those in the [general] section
# Note: if you use virtualdomain_based_routing, the content will be included
# in the custom "server" section (specific to your app and not in "location")
# Use this only if you are sure about what you are doing
# extra nginx configuration filename inside your plugin directory
# null => no extra configuration
# The content will be included directly in your app "location" section for
# the "static" routing part (see also extra_nginx_conf_filename key for
# the "dynamic" part)
# If you want to include some configuration fragments at a more general level
# don't use this key but the one in [general] section)
# Optional http point to diagnose plugin health during mfserv.status
# null => this feature is not activated
# else a GET request will be done on
# (so http_test_endpoint must start with a slash)
# If the result status code is {http_test_expected_status_code} and if the
# {http_test_expected_body} is found in the result body, then the test is ok
# If not, we will retry until {http_test_timeout} timeout (in seconds)
# After this timeout, the test will fail
# Note: if you want something more specific that this basic test, you can
# implement a plugin.status executable in your plugin bin/ subdirectory
# it will be called (with a 30s timeout) and it will pass if the
# return code is 0
# resource limit for each app worker
# rlimit_as => maximum area (in bytes) of address space which may be taken
# by the worker.
# rlimit_nofile => maximum number of open file descriptors for the current
# worker.
# rlimit_stack => maximum size (in bytes) of the call stack for the current
# worker. This only affects the stack of the main thread
# in a multi-threaded worker.
# rlimit_fsize => maximum size of a file which the worker may create.
# (empty value means no limit)
rlimit_as = 1000000000
rlimit_nofile = 1000
rlimit_stack = 10000000
rlimit_fsize = 100000000
# If set then the process will be restarted sometime after max_age and
# max_age + random(0, max_age) seconds.
# 0 => disable this feature
# Note: the feature is automatically disabled if workers=1
# Note: 60 is probably a minimum
# Note: if you use this feature, have also a look at smart_stop_* and smart_start_* parameters
max_age = 0
# Split stdout/stderr logs into different files?
# AUTO => the global conf MFSERV_LOG_TRY_TO_SPLIT_STDOUT_STDERR is used
# (default: don't split)
# 1 => split
# 0 => don't split
# Split logs of multiple workers into different log files?
# (default: don't split)
# 1 => split
# 0 => don't split
# You can add extra daemons which will be launched within your plugin
# by providing configuration blocks [extra_daemon_*]
# You have to provide a command to daemonize (the command must run in
# foreground and not daemonize by itself)
# [extra_daemon_foo]
# _cmd_and_args = /your/foreground/command command_arg1 command_arg2
# numprocesses=1
# graceful_timeout = 30
# rlimit_as = 1000000000
# rlimit_nofile = 1000
# rlimit_stack = 10000000
# rlimit_fsize = 100000000
# log_split_stdout_stderr=AUTO
# log_split_multiple_workers=AUTO
# max_age=0
# Here is a space for your public configuration keys
# (ie. overridable by administrator after deployment)
# Your keys shouldn't start with an underscore (as they are public)
# and you have to read their value through the corresponding env variable
# and NOT by parsing this file
# A key named "foo_bar" here will generate (in plugin_env) an env var called
# with the corresponding value inside