5. Miscellaneous

5.1. Debugging telegraf

You can debug metrics sent to telegraf by dumping them into telegraf.log file. In order to do this, edit the Metwork module (MFDATA, MFSERV, …) config/config.ini file and, in the [telegraf] section, set the debug argument to 1:


# Default value is 0. If debug=1, all metrics are (also) dumped into telegraf.log file

5.2. Collecting external metrics

You may use MFSYSMON module to collect external/non-metwork metrics. In order to do this, edit the Metwork module (MFDATA, MFSERV, …) config/config.ini file and, in the [telegraf] section, fill up the external_service_address argument:


# If you want to use mfsysmon telegraf as a collector for external
# (ie. non-metwork) metrics, you can use this to listen to a particular port
# in TCP or UDP
# null => no specific listening
# tcp4://:8094 => listen to TCP port 8094
# udp4://:8094 => listen to UDP port 8094
# see https://github.com/influxdata/telegraf/tree/master/plugins/inputs/socket_listener
# for details