Module acquisition.switch_rules
class Action (plugin_name, step_name)
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class Action(object): def __init__(self, plugin_name, step_name): self.plugin_name = plugin_name self.step_name = step_name def __hash__(self): return hash((self.__class__.__name__, self.plugin_name, self.step_name))
class AlwaystrueRulesBlock (params=[])
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class AlwaystrueRulesBlock(ZeroParameterRulesBlock): def eval(self, xaf, rule_pattern): LOGGER.debug("alwaystrue switch rule => True") return True
def eval(self, xaf, rule_pattern)
class BadSyntax (*args, **kwargs)
Common base class for all non-exit exceptions.
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class BadSyntax(Exception): pass
- builtins.Exception
- builtins.BaseException
class CopyAction (plugin_name, step_name)
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class CopyAction(Action): def __str__(self): return "copy to %s/%s" % (self.plugin_name, self.step_name)
class EqualRulesBlock (params=[])
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class EqualRulesBlock(OneParameterRulesBlock): def eval(self, xaf, rule_pattern): val = self.get_val_from_xaf(xaf) res = (val == rule_pattern) LOGGER.debug("(%s == %s) switch rule => %s" % (val, rule_pattern, res)) return res
def eval(self, xaf, rule_pattern)
class FnmatchRulesBlock (params=[])
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class FnmatchRulesBlock(OneParameterRulesBlock): def eval(self, xaf, rule_pattern): val = self.get_val_from_xaf(xaf) res = fnmatch.fnmatch(val, rule_pattern) LOGGER.debug("fnmatch.fnmatch(%s, %s) switch rule => %s" % (val, rule_pattern, res)) return res
def eval(self, xaf, rule_pattern)
class HardlinkAction (plugin_name, step_name)
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class HardlinkAction(Action): def __str__(self): return "hardlink to %s/%s" % (self.plugin_name, self.step_name)
class NotequalRulesBlock (params=[])
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class NotequalRulesBlock(EqualRulesBlock): def eval(self, xaf, rule_pattern): parent = EqualRulesBlock.eval(self, xaf, rule_pattern) return not parent
def eval(self, xaf, rule_pattern)
class NotfnmatchRulesBlock (params=[])
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class NotfnmatchRulesBlock(FnmatchRulesBlock): def eval(self, xaf, rule_pattern): parent = FnmatchRulesBlock.eval(self, xaf, rule_pattern) return not parent
def eval(self, xaf, rule_pattern)
class NotregexRulesBlock (params=[])
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class NotregexRulesBlock(RegexRulesBlock): def eval(self, xaf, rule_pattern): parent = RegexRulesBlock.eval(self, xaf, rule_pattern) return not parent
def eval(self, xaf, rule_pattern)
class OneParameterRulesBlock (params=[])
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class OneParameterRulesBlock(RulesBlock): def __init__(self, params=[]): RulesBlock.__init__(self, params) if len(params) != 1: raise Exception("This rules block must have exactly one argument") def get_val_from_xaf(self, xaf): return xaf.tags.get(self.params[0], b"{NOT_FOUND}").decode('utf8')
def get_val_from_xaf(self, xaf)
class PythonRulesBlock (*args, **kwargs)
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class PythonRulesBlock(ZeroParameterRulesBlock): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): ZeroParameterRulesBlock.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self._funcs = {} def get_func(self, rule_pattern): if rule_pattern not in self._funcs: if ":" in rule_pattern: sys_path = rule_pattern.split(':')[0] func_path = rule_pattern.split(':')[1] else: sys_path = "" func_path = rule_pattern func_name = func_path.split('.')[-1] module_path = ".".join(func_path.split('.')[0:-1]) with add_sys_path(sys_path): importlib.invalidate_caches() spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location( "my_custom_function", os.path.join(sys_path, module_path + ".py") ) mod = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec) spec.loader.exec_module(mod) func = getattr(mod, func_name) self._funcs[rule_pattern] = func return self._funcs[rule_pattern] def eval(self, xaf, rule_pattern): func = self.get_func(rule_pattern) before = time.time() res = func(xaf) after = time.time() if (after - before) > 1.0: LOGGER.warning("more than 1s passed in %s function", func) LOGGER.debug("%s(xaf) switch rule => %s" % (func, res)) return res
def eval(self, xaf, rule_pattern)
def get_func(self, rule_pattern)
class RegexRulesBlock (params=[])
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class RegexRulesBlock(OneParameterRulesBlock): def eval(self, xaf, rule_pattern): val = self.get_val_from_xaf(xaf) res = re.match(rule_pattern, val) LOGGER.debug("re.match(%s, %s) switch rule => %s" % (val, rule_pattern, res)) return res
def eval(self, xaf, rule_pattern)
class RulesBlock (params=[])
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class RulesBlock(object): def __init__(self, params=[]): self.params = params self.switch_rules = [] def add_switch_rule(self, switch_rule): self.switch_rules.append(switch_rule) def eval(self, xaf, rule_pattern): raise NotImplementedError() def evaluate(self, xaf): actions = set() for rule in self.switch_rules: try: res = self.eval(xaf, rule.pattern) except Exception: LOGGER.exception("exception during rule block %s eval on %s" % (self, rule.pattern)) else: if res: LOGGER.debug("=> adding actions: %s" % ", ".join([str(x) for x in rule.actions])) actions = actions.union(rule.actions) return (actions, len(self.switch_rules)) def get_virtual_targets(self): targets = set() for rule in self.switch_rules: for action in rule.actions: targets.add((action.plugin_name, action.step_name)) return targets
def add_switch_rule(self, switch_rule)
def eval(self, xaf, rule_pattern)
def evaluate(self, xaf)
def get_virtual_targets(self)
class RulesReader
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class RulesReader(object): def __init__(self): self.log = LOGGER self._raw_lines = [] def rules_block_factory(self, rule_type, params=[]): c = "%sRulesBlock" % rule_type.capitalize() try: klass = globals()[c] return klass(params) except Exception: self.log.exception("probably a wrong rules block type: %s" % rule_type) raise BadSyntax() def action_factory(self, action_type, *args, **kwargs): c = "%sAction" % action_type.capitalize() try: klass = globals()[c] return klass(*args, **kwargs) except Exception: self.log.exception("probably a wrong action type: %s" % action_type) raise BadSyntax() def read(self, path, section_prefix="switch_rules*"): self.log = self.log.bind(path=path) result = RulesSet() x = OpinionatedConfigParser(delimiters=("=",), comment_prefixes=("#",)) x.optionxform = str[path]) rules_block = None for section in x.sections(): if fnmatch.fnmatch(section, "%s:*:*" % section_prefix): tempo = section.split(':') typ = tempo[1] params = ':'.join(tempo[2:]).split(',') rules_block = self.rules_block_factory(typ, params) result.add_rules_block(rules_block) elif fnmatch.fnmatch(section, "%s:*" % section_prefix): tempo = section.split(':') typ = tempo[1] rules_block = self.rules_block_factory(typ) result.add_rules_block(rules_block) else: continue for option in x.options(section): val = x.get(section, option) actions = [y.strip() for y in val.split(',')] pattern = option.replace('@@@@@@', '=').replace('~~~~~~', '#') switch_rule = SwitchRule(pattern) for action in actions: tempo2 = action.split('/') if len(tempo2) == 2: if tempo2[1].endswith('*'): act = self.action_factory("hardlink", tempo2[0], tempo2[1][:-1]) else: act = self.action_factory("copy", tempo2[0], tempo2[1]) else: self.log.error("bad action [%s] for section [%s] " "and pattern: %s" % (action, section, option)) raise BadSyntax() switch_rule.add_action(act) rules_block.add_switch_rule(switch_rule) return result
def action_factory(self, action_type, *args, **kwargs)
def read(self, path, section_prefix='switch_rules*')
def rules_block_factory(self, rule_type, params=[])
class RulesSet
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class RulesSet(object): def __init__(self): self.rule_blocks = [] def add_rules_block(self, rule_block): self.rule_blocks.append(rule_block) def evaluate(self, xaf): actions = set() total_rules = 0 before = time.time() for rule_block in self.rule_blocks: res, rules_count = rule_block.evaluate(xaf) actions = actions.union(res) total_rules = total_rules + rules_count after = time.time() LOGGER.debug("%i rules evaluated in a total of %i ms", total_rules, int(1000.0 * (after - before))) return actions def get_virtual_targets(self): targets = set() for rule_block in self.rule_blocks: targets = targets.union(rule_block.get_virtual_targets()) return targets
def add_rules_block(self, rule_block)
def evaluate(self, xaf)
def get_virtual_targets(self)
class SwitchRule (pattern)
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class SwitchRule(object): def __init__(self, pattern): self.pattern = pattern self.actions = [] def add_action(self, action): self.actions.append(action)
def add_action(self, action)
class ZeroParameterRulesBlock (params=[])
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class ZeroParameterRulesBlock(RulesBlock): def __init__(self, params=[]): RulesBlock.__init__(self, params) if len(params) != 0: raise Exception("This rules block must have zero argument")
class add_sys_path (path)
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class add_sys_path(): def __init__(self, path): self.path = path def __enter__(self): if self.path is not None and self.path != "": sys.path.insert(0, self.path) def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): try: if self.path is not None and self.path != "": sys.path.remove(self.path) except ValueError: pass