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1import bash
4class BashWrapperException(Exception):
5 """Specific exception class for BashWrapper objects."""
7 __message = None
8 __bash_wrapper = None
10 def __init__(self, message, bash_wrapper=None):
11 """Constructor.
13 Args:
14 message (string): exception message
15 bash_wrapper (BashWrapper): bash wrapper object
17 """
18 super(BashWrapperException, self).__init__(message)
19 self.__message = message
20 self.__bash_wrapper = bash_wrapper
22 def __repr__(self):
23 if self.__bash_wrapper is not None:
24 return "%s exception with message: %s and debug: %s" % \
25 (self.__class__.__name__, self.__message, self.__bash_wrapper)
26 else:
27 return Exception.__repr__(self)
29 def __str__(self):
30 return self.__repr__()
33class BashWrapper(object):
34 """Bash command/output wrapper."""
36 __bash_cmd = None
37 __bash_result_object = None
39 def __init__(self, bash_cmd):
40 """Constructor.
42 The constructor executes the given bash command and store result code
43 and stdout/stderr inside the object.
45 You can use this object like this::
47 bash_wrapper = BashWrapper("ls /tmp")
48 if bash_wrapper:
49 print("execution was ok (status_code == 0)")
50 else:
51 print("execution was not ok (status_code != 0)")
52 status_code = bash_wrapper.code
53 stdout_output = bash_wrapper.stdout
54 stderr_output = bash_wrapper.stderr
55 print("full representation with command/code/stdout/stderr: %s" %
56 bash_wapper)
58 Args:
59 bash_cmd (string): complete bash command to execute.
61 """
62 self.__bash_cmd = bash_cmd
63 self.__bash_result_object = bash.bash(bash_cmd)
65 def __bool__(self):
66 return (self.__bash_result_object.code == 0)
68 def __nonzero__(self):
69 # python2 compatibility
70 return self.__bool__()
72 @property
73 def code(self):
74 """Return the status code of the command as int (0 => ok)."""
75 return self.__bash_result_object.code
77 @property
78 def stdout(self):
79 """Return the stdout output of the command stripped and utf8 decoded.
81 Returns:
82 (string) stdout output (stripped and utf8 decoded).
84 """
85 return self.__bash_result_object.stdout.strip().decode('UTF-8')
87 @property
88 def stderr(self):
89 """Return the stderr output of the command stripped and utf8 decoded.
91 Returns:
92 (string) stderr output (stripped and utf8 decoded).
94 """
95 return self.__bash_result_object.stderr.strip().decode('UTF-8')
97 def __repr__(self):
98 result = []
99 result.append("")
100 result.append("===== BASH COMMAND =======================")
101 result.append(self.__bash_cmd)
102 result.append("===== BASH RETURN CODE ===================")
103 result.append(str(self.code))
104 stdout = self.stdout
105 if stdout and len(stdout) > 0:
106 result.append("===== BASH STDOUT ========================")
107 result.append(self.stdout)
108 stderr = self.stderr
109 if stderr and len(stderr) > 0:
110 result.append("===== BASH STDERR ========================")
111 result.append(self.stderr)
112 return "\n".join(result)
115class BashWrapperOrRaise(BashWrapper):
116 """BashWrapper subclass which raise an exception if status_code != 0."""
118 def __init__(self, bash_cmd, exception_class=BashWrapperException,
119 exception_msg="bad return code"):
120 """Constructor.
122 The constructor executes the given bash command and store result code
123 and stdout/stderr inside the object.
125 If the status_code is != 0, an exception is raised with all
126 informations (stdout/stderr/code) inside.
128 If the status_code is 0, you can use this object like a BashWrapper
129 one.
131 Example::
133 try:
134 x = BashWrapperOrRaise("ls /foo/bar")
135 except BashWrapperException as e:
136 print("exception with all details: %s" % e)
137 else:
138 # here, we have x.code == 0
139 print("stdout: %s" % x.stdout)
141 Args:
142 bash_cmd (string): complete bash command to execute.
143 exception_class (BashWrapperException): exception class to raise
144 in case of status_code !=0 (must be a subclass of
145 BashWrapperException).
146 exception_msg (string): exception message in case of
147 status_code != 0.
149 """
150 super(BashWrapperOrRaise, self).__init__(bash_cmd)
151 if self.code != 0:
152 raise exception_class(exception_msg, self)