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What is it?

MFSYSMON is the Metwork Fframework SYStem MONintoring module.

It's a very small module which collect system metrics (CPU, RAM, disks, network...) of the current machine and send them to a configured MFADMIN module through the network. So, MFSYSMON is only a small agent, not a database or a monitoring dashboard.

By default, harvested metrics are sent to localhost (so, in this default case, you should have a MFADMIN module running on the same host) but a very common use case is to have several hosts with MFSYSMON which feed a single MFADMIN instance.

You want to feed a remote MFADMIN module (rather than a local one)?

You just have to change the hostname key in the [admin] configuration group, set the corresponding hostname (i.e., the one which hosts the MFADMIN module) and reload your MFSYSMON service.


The configured MFADMIN module fed by the current instance of MFSYSMON is shown at the end of the welcome banner when you log in as mfsysmon unix user (su - mfsysmon from root for example):

           __  __      ___          __        _
          |  \/  |    | \ \        / /       | |
          | \  / | ___| |\ \  /\  / /__  _ __| | __
          | |\/| |/ _ \ __\ \/  \/ / _ \| '__| |/ /
          | |  | |  __/ |_ \  /\  / (_) | |  |   <
          |_|  |_|\___|\__| \/  \/ \___/|_|  |_|\_\

 13:11:17 up 459 days,  1:32,  1 user,  load average: 0.10, 0.10, 0.10

Sending metrics and logs to mfadmin module: (localhost,