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Extension points

The MFSYSMON module does not support plugins.

But there are some extensions points if you want to add your own metrics.

Before going further, you have to know that the main component of MFSYSMON module is telegraf. It collects and forwards all metrics.

1. statsD

You do not know about statsD ?

If you don't know statsD software and concepts, here is a good statsD introduction.

We don't provide the original statsD software but the corresponding protocol is activated on telegraf on MFSYSMON.

So you can fed this service on UDP port: ${MFSYSMON_TELEGRAF_STATSD_PORT} (18129 by default) with the following protocol (compatible with most statsd client libraries).

2. external_service_address

In the MFSYSMON configuration, under [telegraf] group, you will find a configuration key: external_service_address.

It's set to null by default but if you change it with tcp4://:8094 for example, the MFSYSMON telegraf will listen to this port for external metrics sent with InfluxDB Line Protocol format.

3. external_commands

In the MFSYSMON configuration, under [telegraf] group, you will find a configuration key: external_commands.

It's set to null by default but if you provide in it a coma separated list of command full paths, they will be executed through telegraf exec plugin. So if your provided commands output some InfluxDB Line Protocol format lines, there will be parsed as metrics and sent to MFADMIN module.

4. debug

If you want to debug, set the key debug to 1 under [telegraf] group and restart the MFSYSMON service. All metrics will be dumped in ${MFMODULE_RUNTIME_HOME}/log/telegraf.log log file.