3. How to configure the metwork yum repository ?

3.1. Prerequisites

  • a Centos 6 x86_64 or Centos 7 x86_64 linux distribution installed (it should also work with correponding RHEL or ScientificLinux distribution)
  • a few GB available on /opt
  • a yum repository configured for system packages (done by default)
  • no SELinux feature (it can work with it but we don’t have tested anything with SELinux on, comments and tests welcome)

To disable SELinux, which is enabled by default, you have to change the file /etc/selinux/config to set SELINUX=disabled, then reboot the system.

3.2. Choose a version

Depending on your needs (stability versus new features), you can choose between serveral versions :

  • released stable versions with a standard semantic versionning X.Y.Z version number (the more **stable* choice)*
  • continuous integration versions of the release branch (to get future **patch* versions before their release)*
  • continuous integration of the master branch (to get future **major* and minor versions before their release)*
  • continuous integration of the integration branch (the more **bleeding edge* choice)*

For each version, you will find the BaseURL in the following table:

Version BaseURL
released stable http://metwork-framework.org/pub/metwork/releases/rpms/stable/centos6/ (for centos6)
http://metwork-framework.org/pub/metwork/releases/rpms/stable/centos7/ (for centos7)
continuous stable http://metwork-framework.org/pub/metwork/continuous_integration/rpms/stable/centos6/ (for centos6)
http://metwork-framework.org/pub/metwork/continuous_integration/rpms/stable/centos7/ (for centos7)
continuous master http://metwork-framework.org/pub/metwork/continuous_integration/rpms/master/centos6/ (for centos6)
http://metwork-framework.org/pub/metwork/continuous_integration/rpms/master/centos7/ (for centos7)
continuous integration http://metwork-framework.org/pub/metwork/continuous_integration/rpms/integration/centos6/ (for centos6)
http://metwork-framework.org/pub/metwork/continuous_integration/rpms/integration/centos7/ (for centos7)

3.3. Configure the metwork yum repository for CentOS 6 distribution

First check the output of uname -a |grep x86_64. If you have nothing, you don’t have a x86_64 distribution installed and you can’t install MetWork on it.

Then, if you are still here, check the output of cat /etc/redhat-release command. If the result is `CentOS release 6[…]”, you have a CentOS 6 distribution and you can continue here. Else, jump to the centos7 section.

To configure the metwork yum repository for releases stable versions on centos6, you just have to create a new /etc/yum.repos.d/metwork.repo with the following content :

name=MetWork Stable

You can do this with one command:

cat >/etc/yum.repos.d/metwork.repo <<EOF
name=MetWork Stable

Of course, if you prefer to choose another version, you have to change the baseurl parameter. For example, to get continuous master version on centos6, use:


3.4. Configure the metwork yum repository for CentOS 7 distribution

First check the output of uname -a |grep x86_64. If you have nothing, you don’t have a x86_64 distribution installed and you can’t install MetWork on it.

Then, if you are still here, check the output of cat /etc/redhat-release command. If the result is `CentOS release 7[…]”, you have a CentOS 7 distribution and you can continue here. Else, go back to the centos6 section.

To configure the metwork yum repository for centos7, you just have to create a new /etc/yum.repos.d/metwork.repo with the following content :

name=MetWork Stable

You can do this with one command (as root user):

cat >/etc/yum.repos.d/metwork.repo <<EOF
name=MetWork Stable

Of course, if you prefer to choose another version, you have to change the baseurl parameter. For example, to get continuous master version on centos7, use:


3.5. Test

To test the repository, you can use the command yum list "metwork*" (as root). You must have several metwork-... modules available.