19. Layer scientific_core

19.1. Overview

The scientific_core layer is a set of libraries and tools devoted to scientific development (mainly GIS)

19.2. Metadata

19.2.1. Layer Home


19.2.2. Label


19.2.3. Dependencies

19.2.4. Extra-environment (loaded after layer load)


19.3. Packages

Name Version Description Home Page  
cairo 1.14.12 Cairo is a 2D graphics library with support for multiple output devices. https://www.cairographics.org/
gdal 2.2.4 GDAL is a set of libraries and tools for raster and vector geospatial data formats. As a library, it presents a single raster abstract data model and single vector abstract data model to the calling application for all supported formats. It also comes with a variety of useful command line utilities and APIs for data translation and processing. http://www.gdal.org
geos 3.7.1 GEOS is a C++ port of the JTS Topology Suite (JTS). GEOS provides spatial functionality. Especially, it allows to calculate complex intersections of polygons. http://trac.osgeo.org/geos/
hdf5 1.10.2 HDF5 is a suite that makes possible the management of extremely large and complex data collections (including file format HDF5) https://www.hdfgroup.org
jasper 2.0.14 JASPER is an official reference implementation of the JPEG-2000 Part-1 codec http://www.ece.uvic.ca/~frodo/jasper/
libspatialite 4.3.0a SPATIALITE is an open source library intended to extend the SQLite core to support fully fledged Spatial SQL capabilities. Using SQLite + SpatiaLite you can effectively deploy an alternative open source Spatial DBMS roughly equivalent to PostgreSQL + PostGIS https://www.gaia-gis.it/fossil/libspatialite
netcdf-cxx4 4.3.0 NETCDF_CXX4 is the C++ API of NETCDF4 http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/netcdf/
netcdf-fortran 4.4.4 NETCDF_FORTRAN is the FORTRAN API of NETCDF4 http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/netcdf/
netcdf 4.6.1 NETCDF is the C API of NETCDF format http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/netcdf/
openjpeg 2.1.2 OpenJPEG is an open-source JPEG 2000 codec written in C language http://www.openjpeg.org/
postgis 2.4.6 PostGIS is a spatial database extender for PostgreSQL database. It adds support for geographic objects allowing location queries to be run in SQL. http://postgis.refractions.net/
postgresql 10.1 POSTGRESQL is an object-relational database system http://postgresql.org/
proj 4.8.0 PROJ4 is a generic coordinate transformation software that transforms geospatial coordinates from one coordinate reference system (CRS) to another. http://trac.osgeo.org/proj/

(13 packages)