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1. root service commands

As root unix user:

Command Description
service metwork start start all installed metwork services
service metwork stop stop all installed metwork services
service metwork status check all installed metwork services
service metwork start mfadmin start mfadmin metwork services
service metwork stop mfadmin stop mfadmin metwork services
service metwork status mfadmin check mfadmin metwork services

Note: if you don't have service command on your Linux distribution, you can use /etc/rc.d/init.d/metwork instead of service metwork. For example: /etc/rc.d/init.d/metwork start instead of service metwork start. If your Linux distribution uses systemdcomponent, you can also start metwork services with classic systemctl commands.

2. root files or directories

Path Description
/etc/metwork.config.d/mfadmin/config.ini override the mfadmin module configuration at system level (note: the first line of this file must be [INCLUDE_config.ini])
/opt/metwork-mfadmin/config/config.ini default mfadmin module configuration (useful to see all configuration options) (do not edit this file => use the overriding previous file)

3. "load environment" commands

As a "not metwork" unix user (useless if you are logged as a "mfxxx" unix user as the "metwork environment" is already loaded):

Command Description
source /opt/metwork-mfadmin/share/interactive_profile load the mfadmin metwork interactive environment
source /opt/metwork-mfadmin/share/profile load the mfadmin metwork environment (same as above but without fancy stuff about banner, colors and prompt)
/opt/metwork-mfadmin/bin/mfadmin_wrapper {YOUR_COMMAND} execute the given command in the mfadmin metwork environment without changing anything to the current environment

Note: if you don't have /opt/metwork-mfadmin symbolic link, use /opt/metwork-mfadmin-{BRANCH} instead.

4. module commands

As mfadmin user:

Command Description
mfadmin.start start mfadmin services
mfadmin.stop stop mfadmin services
mfadmin.status check mfadmin services
layers list installed layers (loaded layers are prefixed by (*)), layers --help for more details
layer_load {LAYER_NAME} load the given layer (which must be installed), example: layer_load python3_devtools@mfext
layer_unload {LAYER_NAME} unload the given layer (which must be loaded), example: layer_unload python3@mfext
components list installed software components (loaded components are prefixed by (*)), components --help for more details
metwork_debug debug the current environment (layers, paths, versions...), useful for debugging or bug reporting
outside {YOUR_COMMAND} execute the given command outside the metwork environment without changing anything to the current environment