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1. Installation

On a Linux CentOS 6, 7 or 8 box

What about other Linux distributions?

This quickstart is easily adaptable to other Linux distributions. To install on your favorite one, have a look at the complete installation guide.

# AS root USER

# First, we configure the Metwork Framework repository for stable releases
cat >/etc/yum.repos.d/metwork.repo <<EOF
name=MetWork Stable

# Then we install the full version of mfserv module
# (full to get the nodejs support)
yum -y install metwork-mfserv-full

# Let's start Metwork services
# (or "systemctl start metwork.service" if you don't have the "service" command)
service metwork start

# Done :-)

2. Test

Open a browser on You should get:

welcome page

3. Let's make a static plugin

Let's make a static plugin to start. A static plugin is just a plugin to host and serve static files (html pages, images...). This is a very basic one.

# AS mfserv USER
# (with "sudo su - mfserv" for example from your own admin account
#  or with "su - mfserv" as root)

# Boostrap our my_first_static_plugin with the static template create  --no-input --template=static my_first_static_plugin

# Install it (in dev mode)
cd my_first_static_plugin
make develop

# Create a first static webpage in main/index.html file
cat >main/index.html <<EOF
        <title>My first webpage</title>
            Hello World!

Open a browser on http://localhost:18868/my_first_static_plugin/ and it works!

4. Let's make a python3 flask plugin

# At this moment, we have:
$ plugins.list

┌Installed plugins (2)───┬───────────────────────────┬──────────┬─────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
│ Name                    Version                    Release   Home                                            │
│ welcome                 integration.ci617.dc2e671  1         /home/mfserv/var/plugins/welcome                │
│ my_first_static_plugin  dev_link                   dev_link  /home/mfserv/var/plugins/my_first_static_plugin │

Let's add another plugin with Python3 and the Flask web framework now:

# Still with mfserv user

# Boostrap our my_py3_plugin with the python3_flask template create  --no-input --template=python3_flask my_py3_plugin

# Install it (in dev mode)
cd my_py3_plugin
make develop

Wait a little bit (after installing a new plugin, a restart is automatically done). Then open a browser on


# open the main/ file
# and change the "Hello World!" text message

Wait a little bit and refresh

502 Bad Gateway?

If you have some HTTP/502 errors, maybe you were too fast and you hit the server during the restart process. Wait a few seconds and try again!

5. Let's make a nodejs plugin

# Still with mfserv user

# Boostrap our my_node_plugin with the node template create  --no-input --template=node my_node_plugin

# Install it (in dev mode)
cd my_node_plugin
make develop

Wait a little bit and open

502 Bad Gateway?

If you have some HTTP/502 errors, maybe you were too fast and you hit the server during the restart process. Wait a few seconds and try again!