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Configuration file

This is the default configuration file for plugin template: python3_noweb

#####                         #####
#####     GENERAL SECTION     #####
#####                         #####
# (plugin metadatas)

# Notes about the name of the plugin:
# - the name of the plugin is given by the content of .layerapi2_label
#   in this directory (format: plugin_{name of the plugin}@mfserv)
# - the old "name" key in this file is not used anymore

# Version of the plugin (X.Y.Z)
# If the value is {{MFMODULE_VERSION}},
# the current module version is used

# Release of the plugin

# Summary (one line) of the goal of the plugin
_summary=one line summary

# License of the plugin

# URL of the plugin homepage

# Name of the maintainer of the plugin on the form "Firstname FAMILYNAME <email>"
_maintainer=Firstname FAMILYNAME <email>

# Vendor of the plugin

# If true, add plugin directory to python path

# You can add extra daemons which will be launched within your plugin
#   by providing configuration blocks [extra_daemon_*]
# You have to provide a command to daemonize (the command must run in
#   foreground and not daemonize by itself)
# [extra_daemon_foo]
# _cmd_and_args = /your/foreground/command command_arg1 command_arg2
# numprocesses=1
# graceful_timeout = 30
# rlimit_as = 1000000000
# rlimit_nofile = 1000
# rlimit_stack = 10000000
# rlimit_fsize = 100000000
# log_split_stdout_stderr=AUTO
# log_split_multiple_workers=AUTO
# max_age=0

# Here is a space for your public configuration keys
#   (ie. overridable by administrator after deployment)
# Your keys shouldn't start with an underscore (as they are public)
#   and you have to read their value through the corresponding env variable
#   and NOT by parsing this file
# A key named "foo_bar" here will generate (in plugin_env) an env var called
# with the corresponding value inside